Given that I have walked the beautiful Sicilian Madonie and Nebrodi countryside now for 20 years plus with only a sleeping bag and ground sheets to cope with the starry nights that must signify that by and large the weather from late May through to September is usually very fine indeed. It certainly was this year (2008) but there have been occasions over the years when the fine weather has temporarily and surprisingly been usurped by the very opposite. One such very memorable occasion occurred back in early June 2003 when en route I happened to be in the township of GANGI. There was a big local religious event (Pentecoste) scheduled for the day in question and the above poems and notebook sketches were made to mark the occasion. VIALE DON BOSCO was the main downhill procession route - it was like a river. The top image is of the initial sketchy scrawly Notebook entries and a little later I made the improved GANGI town sketch. These poems and entries were made just around the time when I wrote the poem "SO NICE TO BE BACK IN SICILY" (>>see<<).
For Madonie Region map locations information click >here<
For Madonie Region map locations information click >here<
Tomorrow - freebee "HOTEL- S. GIUSEPPE" - GERACI SICULO.