and evaluate its message more easily.
The genuinely amazing ancient geological story of the beautiful Parco delle Madonie countryside goes that many millions of years ago the Madonie was deep under the sea. No end of resonances may spring to mind. Nowadays away from the northern Sicilian coastal beaches - one or two locations of which have been alluded to in postings to this SICILY ABLAZE blog - there isn't any actual sea lapping around in the inland Madonie. However for the most part Madonie folk just like folk elsewhere enjoy eating fish and a curiously unpleasant passing 2003 Madonie holiday experience provided a stark reminder of that.
At Bivio Madonnuzza a locality southwards immediately beneath the hillsides upon which the township of Petralia Soprana is built there had been in the above period a smallish supermarket that had then recently moved to newer larger premises. Bivio Madonnuzza is a smallish peaceful locality and the vacated premises to my surprise had been re-opened to sell solely deep frozen fish from freezer units and ice boxes. I was shocked and unhappy by this development and still had it very much in mind when I wrote and reproduced the above poem and image as an end of year 2003 greeting.-----------------------------
Of course such fish stacked deep freezer ice box outlets exist in many other places too including London and they are both hideous and haunting. I shun them big time 24/7 x 365.
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