On 3rd July 1987 at the end of my first ever foot-slogging
Madonie Mountains day between Caltavuturo and
Polizzi Generosa I slept like a log beside the main chapel
door (foto 2 above). I'd walked the quiet beautiful track
passing below the original elevated autostrada -
the autostrada I'd passed along by coach in the previous year
which revealed what an amazingly peaceful beautiful
countryside region the Madonie was - hence my vow
that year to somehow come back on foot - and so I sure did.
I must have been very tired when I arrived at S Gandolfo
(I was in 2009 when I made the walk again). It was the
beginning of a real adventure as I'd no clear idea of what
lay ahead and the next night I slept above Petralia Sottana
in a very different setting.
For a full chronological list of all SICILY ABLAZE pages click HERE.
For a full A to Z indexed MADONIE REGION locations map click HERE.
For a full A to Z indexed NEBRODI REGION locations map click HERE.