The sub text is Condoms Galore versus Stuffed Shirts! And as such it has below the belt potential.
Unlike in the UK (relatively speaking) in Italia, bella Sicilia included, where condom usage is against the teaching of the Catholic Church there truly are condom machines galore, banks of ‘em screwed (no pun intended – honest!) to FARMACIA walls. It's a joke among some English living in Sicily. Clearly condoms are doing an absolutely roaring trade ‘n’ hurrah hurrah ‘n’ all that jazz. On my travels I’ve not knowingly encountered anyone who’s had an unpleasant "ear full" for participating in the rubbery roll on!
On the other hand I have myself had an "ear full" or two from Sicilians (including a staunch “OASIS” fan and used fone card collector!!) for having dared to produce a street-wise light hearted humorous item of artwork from a small S. Francis of Assisi religious text which I’d found randomly scattered amid the country road vergeside beyond Gangi – only one or two were saveable when found as others had been roughly cut to shreds by hand-operated grass cutters. It’s grass cutters 'n' S Francis in Shreds Assisi 'n' condoms you win, and itinerant transient hight hearted artwork you lose.
In my artwork street-wise old S Frances has something up one of his sleeves – it sure isn’t a condom so no worries there. Wow that would’ve probably been a very close call. Perish the thought.