Oh dear with several more to come later (be warned) we've already had "BISHOP IN THE GRASSES" and also (so far untranslatable) "YOU CAN'T DO MUCH BIZ WITH THE LIZ" and now we have:
High up on a hillside
overlooking the sea
sat eating my breakfast
neath a nice shady tree
high diddely high diddely
high diddely dee
I’m eating my breakfast
sweet pear and bread roll
watching ants, a thin column
high diddely high diddely
high diddely doll
living’ in style
a plastic bag is my cloth
I’m eating the pear …
now the bread …
scoff scoff scoff
I’m cutting small pieces
of pear, yummy it tastes SO good (!!)
the juice forms a pool
in a crease in the cloth
down comes a fly
he’s seen me I’m sure
he heads straight for the juice
alas the juice cooks his goose
he tries and he tries
but he cannot get loose
there’s a fly in the pear juice
and he can’t swim a stroke
he’s beginning to look
like a pig in a poke
he’s going like crazy
but he can’t climb free
there’s a fly in the pear juice
lift him out? – NO, NOT ME!
there’s a fly in the pear juice
he should so happy be
now he’s eating a human
guess who could that be?
he’s eaten his legs
now his arms and his ears
now he’s scrunching his head
now he’s drinking his tears
and he’s loving that pear juice
but he spits out my nose
he’s got brilliant good taste!
I.C. Sicily. June 1995.
overlooking the sea
sat eating my breakfast
neath a nice shady tree
high diddely high diddely
high diddely dee
I’m eating my breakfast
sweet pear and bread roll
watching ants, a thin column
high diddely high diddely
high diddely doll
living’ in style
a plastic bag is my cloth
I’m eating the pear …
now the bread …
scoff scoff scoff
I’m cutting small pieces
of pear, yummy it tastes SO good (!!)
the juice forms a pool
in a crease in the cloth
down comes a fly
he’s seen me I’m sure
he heads straight for the juice
alas the juice cooks his goose
he tries and he tries
but he cannot get loose
there’s a fly in the pear juice
and he can’t swim a stroke
he’s beginning to look
like a pig in a poke
he’s going like crazy
but he can’t climb free
there’s a fly in the pear juice
lift him out? – NO, NOT ME!
there’s a fly in the pear juice
he should so happy be
now he’s eating a human
guess who could that be?
he’s eaten his legs
now his arms and his ears
now he’s scrunching his head
now he’s drinking his tears
and he’s loving that pear juice
but he spits out my nose
he’s got brilliant good taste!
I.C. Sicily. June 1995.
It's hardly surprising that when you're legging it around the gorgeous Sicilian Madonie and Nebrodi countryside sleeping under the stars that you occasionally get fascinatingly taken at close quarters by insect and other creaturistic forms - sometimes, as with flies for example, very often they ARE more entertaining and engaging than in inner city London. They can even serve to help remind you that at the end of the day SICILY ISN'T THE MOON - more enlightenment on this in due course.
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